I Am Really Good At This

Do you sometimes have this cruel voice in your head, doubting everything you do? I’ve been struggling with mine my whole life. Literally I have never ever said “I AM REALLY GOOD AT THIS” to myself about anything.  

My inner critic would never shut it!

Ever since I can remember, my “unfounded” inner critic has been whispering in my ear:

“You’re not good enough,

You’re never gonna make it,

You can’t do anything right.”

That’s just a few of “its” favorite lines.

It’s hard to ignore this loud critique in my head, but when I do, I am able to accomplish things. Recently, I even had the courage to apply for my dream job and I succeeded in getting it!

Guess who’s back?

But once I started working, my inner critic came in LOUD and STRONG. Stronger than it ever had before. And after a few days, I just wanted to quit. Because I could no longer handle it.

I confided in my friend Chloé and she encouraged me to stay. She told me if I’d quit, I would only come to regret it. And she was right. So I stayed.

My inner critic backed off a little bit but what really made a HUGE difference was the PUNDEEZ Chloé gifted to me not long after we spoke.

I am really good at this!

After reading the power statement, I AM REALLY GOOD AT THIS, multiple times a day….

the most incredible thing happened, I started to believe it

I got the job, because I was the BEST person for the job. Turns out my “unfounded” inner critic was exactly that, UNFOUNDED!

I’m so happy to now know this and if I ever forget, I’ve got my PUNDEEZ to remind me.