Photoshoot with confidence – 5 tips for creating the best summer photo album
Photoshoot with confidence
5 tips for creating the best summer photo album
Content list:
1. The light
2. Equipment
3. Bad pictures
4. The story
5. Have fun!
Bonus: Advanced tips
It’s finally here!
The summer.
And with it, countless hours in the sunlight, weekend getaways, and family holidays.
So much to look forward to!
And in time, so much to look back on. And what better way to immortalize precious moments than with homemade photo albums?
For those who are getting ready to become a family photographer, we have prepared simple tips that will turn you from an amateur with a smartphone into everyone’s favorite reporter.
1. The light.
Photography is all about the light.
When it comes to light white light is better than yellow light. White light comes from the sun and LED light bulbs. This is a good light that you can use. Yellow light? Traditional light bulbs.
So if you are taking a picture in a room, consider your source of light. Sometimes it’s better to flip the switch off and just stand closer to the window.
Also, keep the source of light behind you. Why? Two reasons.
First, unless you have a special kind of lens, bright sunlight can ruin your pictures. No one will be able to tell how happy everyone is, since the entire picture will be full of sun rays.
Second, sunlight is amazing at making everyone look their best.
So if you want to take a group photo make sure that everyone is facing the sun, rather than have it behind them. There is one exception – sunrise and sunsets. With those, feel free to experiment however you like.
2. Equipment
I’m sure that you’ve seen a photographer before: they often carry at least two sets of cameras, a tripod, a number of extra lenses and a bag full of gadgets.
Is it all necessary?
Even if all you have is a smartphone, any extra equipment is a good idea.
And the best part? No extra cost. You probably have all you need already!
What equipment can you take with you?
Tripod – for making your pictures steady. It’s also great for taking classic family photos.
Additional SD card – high-quality photos take up a lot of space. If you carry a backup memory card, you can take as many pictures as you like, without the need to transferring them to your computer halfway through the day.
Smartwatch or even a smartband – even basic ones can be used as a remote trigger. Set up your camera and take a self-portrait picture instead of a selfie!
Power bank – Smartwatch used as a camera can drain a lot from your battery. Carry a power bank, to make sure that every precious moment will have a chance to be immortalized.
3. Bad pictures
Take as many bad pictures as possible.
You can take 100 pictures and then pick 1 later. It’s easier than trying to get a perfect shot on the first try.
Take people by surprise! It will show them in a natural setting. And they will be surprised at how good they can look when they are not focusing on posing.
But most of all: experiment! You’ll never know what will work until you try it.
4. The story
Good pictures tell stories.
Ask yourself “what story do I want to tell?” It could be “Anna is looking at what’s on the menu” or “The boys are chasing a seagull.” Think of a situation that you’re in and what is happening.
And like a good director, focus on putting the elements of that story in one frame.
5. Have fun with it!
Taking pictures can be so much fun! Which is a reason why it’s such a popular hobby.
So make silly faces, look for unusual angles and stop at random places!
You’ll be surprised at how many good pictures you will take this way. And how great they will look in your photo album.
And if for some reason you are not feeling too confident in front of a camera, maybe there’s a way we can help? Give our empowering underwear a try!
Bonus: Advanced Tips
What if this is not your first summer behind the camera and you are looking for ways to up your game even more?
One of the basic principles used in photography is the rule of thirds.
What is it?
It’s best explained in this 2-minute video:
Also, don’t be afraid to edit your pictures. Everyone does that, especially professionals.
You don’t need expensive software or a high-end laptop for that – just a simple mobile app, like Snapseed.
What are your tips for a great summer photoshoot? Let us know in the comments below.